MOU and LOA Process

Process for Requesting Funding from UConn Health for One UConn MOUs or LOAs



All One UConn expenses must be directly coded to a designated One UConn 4 ledger account. If an account doesn’t exist, one must be created.

  • All employee’s effort percentages included in the One UConn MOU should be moved (or percentages confirmed) via SmartHR to the designated UCH MOU 4 ledger account as of the first pay period of the year (or as of the start date listed in the MOU).
  • All non-payroll expenses included in the One UConn MOU should be directly coded to the designated UCH MOU 4 ledger account.
  • Expenses should only be included in the UCH 4 ledger account if UConn is requesting reimbursement from UCH.  If reimbursement is not requested (or is denied) the expenses should be moved to a different account.


Invoicing must be submitted in May and once again in June (if needed) to catch all remaining expenses after the final payroll has hit the accounts.

  • Invoices should be sent to UCH twice a year; once in May and once in June -prior to the year- end deadline (with the exception of University Safety and University Libraries, who should continue to bill quarterly due to the magnitude of the transfers).
  • Object code 4950 must be used on the invoice.
  • Documentation attached to the invoice must consist of a WebFocus transaction report (exported to excel format) for the designated UCH 4 ledger accounts for general expenses. If salaries are included in the MOU or LOA, a WebFocus payroll transaction report must be included as well. If more documentation is needed, BPIR will request something more specific.
  • Invoices should be saved, NOT once invoices have been created and saved, please send the edoc numbers and documentation to your Financial Analyst ( or ) and copy
  • Once BPIR reviews and reconciles your documentation, we will notify you that it is okay to submit the invoice. Please send us a PDF of the submitted invoice and we will forward the information to UConn Health for payment.


Executing an LOA

  1. UCH contract specialists should work out all details of the contract with UConn Departments involved. For GA hires please include the weekly hours and graduate level information in the LOA. If possible, please use a start date that matches the first date of the payroll cycle.
  2. Once terms are agreed upon and the contract is created, UCH shall sign the contract and send it to (cc-ing for final financial review.
  3. The Budget Office will obtain a signature from Reka Wrynn - Associate Vice President for Budget, Planning and Institutional Research (she should be signatory on all LOAs) and return the fully executed copy to the UCH contract specialist and UConn department involved.


Invoicing must be submitted in May and once again in June (if needed) to catch all remaining expenses after the final payroll has hit the accounts. If the LOA is for a one-time expense, the invoice can be submitted as soon as that expense hits UConn’s account.

  • Use object code 4950 on the invoice and the same KFS account where the expenses were charged to.
  • Upload a WebFocus transaction report for general expenses, or a Payroll Transactions report for payroll expenses (exported to excel format) for the designated KFS accounts.
  • Invoices should only be saved and NOT submitted at first. Once the invoice is created and saved, please send the edoc number and related documentation to for review. Once the invoice and backup documentations are reviewed by the Budget Office, Linda Anievas will reach out to the relevant UConn Department confirming that the invoice can be submitted
  • If the final payroll/labor costs are going to hit your accounts after June 30, we will still need to submit the invoice for these expenses in KFS by June 30, but we will then send out the invoice to UCH after the charges hit the accounts (usually the 1st week in July) with the relevant payroll transaction reports.
  • Send the invoice and documentations to UCH and copy as well.