Qualtrics Support AI Assistant - Ask Any Questions Here
To use the AI Assistant, first login to Qualtrics using the main login link below and then click this link ↑
To create your UConn Qualtrics account, click on the UCONN QUALTRICS MAIN LOGIN LINK below. Logging in for the first time is what creates your account.
In order to share surveys with users at UConn, they will need to login for the first time if they never did. Only then can you collaborate and share using their NetID.
Important - To prevent Qualtrics survey distribution emails from being flagged as spam, please leave the default From email address set as noreply@uconn.edu
UConn Qualtrics Main Login Link
Main login, this also creates an account if you don't have one
For very first login, select you do not have a preexisting account
Qualtrics Training BaseCamp Login
Qualtrics Training & Help Videos
Qualtrics Basecamp Login Guide
Scroll down for more information as additional steps are needed ↓
Request to transfer ownership of a survey
Surveys can be transferred from users who left UConn or between anyone
Please provide both users NetID, and names of surveys to be transferred
Request to Create or Edit a Qualtrics Group
Groups are a useful way to share surveys to multiple users at once
Please provide a name for your
group and all the users NetIDs
Important, please review - Before using Qualtrics, all users must determine if IRB approval is necessary:
Submit a ticket to Qualtrics Support for survey creation and troubleshooting
For support, first login to Qualtrics using the main login link and then this link ↑
Information on how to contact Qualtrics Support for questions about survey creation. Unfortunately, we can only help with technical and system questions
To reach out to Qualtrics Support, please click the middle dark gray link above ↑. They now have an AI Support Assistant that eventually offers traditional support.
The new AI assistant is excellent, but if it fails to help answer after a few tries you can choose to contact support and be connected via by chat, phone, or email.
If you choose email, please add qualtrics@uconn.edu to cc'd so I can chime in as needed.
Qualtrics Basecamp is available for all UConn users and offers many training videos. Click the following to access the Qualtrics Basecamp Login Guide
If you are unable to login to Qualtrics Basecamp using the instructions above, please contact us to have your UConn email added to your Qualtrics account.
Unfortunately, by default UConn Qualtrics accounts do not have a UConn email attached.
For survey transfer requests and other technical questions, please contact Vitaly Glybin the UConn Qualtrics Brand Administrator at qualtrics@uconn.edu
Please confirm you are emailing qualtrics@uconn.edu ← copy it or click it above ↗