Board of Trustees Miscellaneous Documents

Purchase, Master Lease, Sublease and Escrow Agreement of 1201 Washington Boulevard in Stamford for Student Housing at UConn Stamford - 12.11.24

Purchase of 44 Lake Street, Coventry, CT - 12.11.24

Annual Report of the Endowed Chair Program Entitled “Aetna Chair of Writing” - 9.25.24

Option Agreement concerning future development of a Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Smart City at the UConn Depot Campus - 9.25.24

Statement of Work for the UConn Foundation for Fiscal Year 2025 - 6.26.24

Annual Report of the Endowed Chair Program Entitled “Aetna Chair of Writing” - 9.27.23

Statement of Work for the UConn Foundation for Fiscal Year 2024 - 6.28.23

Proposed New Lease for 36 North Main Street, Waterbury, CT - 6.28.23

Annual Report of the Endowed Chair Program Entitled “Aetna Chair of Writing” - 9.28.22

Option Agreement concerning future development of a Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Test Track at the UConn Depot Campus - 6.29.22

Statement of Work UConn Foundation - 6.29.22

Kuali Financials Migration to the Cloud - 4.27.22

Annual Report of the Endowed Chair Program Entitled "Aetna English Chair in Writing" - 9.29.21

Transfer/Return of Bergin Correctional Institute and Additional Adjacent Land to OPM - 12.8.21

Authorized Officers for UCONN 2000 General Obligation and Special Obligation Bonds - 10.27.21

Statement of Work UConn Foundations - 6.30.21

Purchase of Mobile Office Buildings - 4.28.21

Execute Electricity Purchase Contracts Resulting from Reverse - 12.9.20

Enrollment Deposit Structure and Amount - 12.9.20

Report of Endowed Chair "Aetna Writing Chair - 9.30.20

Second Amended and Restated Master Agreement and Statement of Work for the UConn Foundation for FY21 - 6.24.20

Refund of Student Housing and Dining Fees - 3.25.20

Software Upgrade to the PeopleSoft Student Administration System - 2.26.20

Extension of Statutory Tuition Waivers - 12.11.19

Call and Retirement of SO Student Fee Revenue Refunding Bonds - 10.23.19

Purchase of 88 Gurleyville Road - 6.26.19

Statement of Work for the UConn Foundation for FY20 - 6.26.19

Revised Downtown Hartford Bookstore Budget - 12.17.18

Sale of the Torrington Campus - 12.17.18

Plan of Finance for Ice Hockey - 10.29.18

Development of the Ice Hockey Arena in Storrs - 9.26.18

Nathan Hale Inn Ground Lease and Purchase Sale Agreement - 9.26.18

Gampel Pavilion Audio System Replacement - 9.26.18

Computerized Space and Real Estate Management System Purchase and Implementation - 8.1.18

Advisory Search Committee for President - 7.18.18

Sale of the West Hartford Campus - 7.6.18

Statement of Work for the UConn Foundation for FY19 - 6.27.18

Stamford Housing Agreement - 6.5.18

Concur Integrated Travel and Expense System - 5.2.18

Recruiting and Onboarding Project - 5.2.18

Special Obligation Student Fee Revenue Bond Indenture Clarification of Pledged Revenue - 3.2.18

UCH Student System Migration and Implementation - 2.21.18

Downtown Hartford Bookstore Resolution - 11.1.17

Disposition of Torrington Campus - 8.2.17

Recommendation for Approval of Collective Bargaining Agreement with AAUP - 7.17.17

Recommendation for Approval of Collective Bargaining Agreement with UCPEA - 7.17.17

Recommendation for Extension of Collective Bargaining Agreement with AAUP - 6.28.17

Recommendation for Extension of Collective Bargaining Agreement with UCPEA - 6.28.17

Statement of Work for the UConn Foundation & UConn Law School Foundation for FY18 - 6.28.17

Sale of West Hartford Campus - 4.26.17

UConn Bookstore in Downtown Hartford - 4.26.17

SciQuest, Inc. eProcurement System Purchase and Implementation - 4.26.17

UConn Bookstore in Downtown Hartford - 1.25.17

Parking Agreements for UConn Hartford - 12.7.16

Retail Space Lease for UConn Hartford - 12.7.16

Endowment of Funds Received from the Gordon J. Flynn Living Trust of 2011 - 10.26.16

Annual Report of the Endowed Chair Program Entitled “Aetna English Chair in Writing” - 9.29.16

UConn Stamford Housing Agreement - 8.10.16

Computerized Maintenance Management System Purchase and Implementation - 8.10.16

Foundation - 6.29.16

West Hartford Sale - 6.29.16

Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Implementation of Oracle Unifier Capital Project Management Software System at Storrs & Regional Campuses - 9.30.15

Annual Report of the Endowed Chair Program Entitled "Aetna English Chair in Writing" - 9.30.15

Proposed Acceptance and Lease of Alumni Center - 8.5.15

UConn Foundation Master Agreement - Proposed Amendment and Fiscal Year 2016 Statement of Work - 6.24.15

University Charts - 6.24.15

Acquisition of 38 Prospect Street, Hartford, CT - 4.29.15

Financing the Acquisition of the Nathan Hale Inn - 4.29.15

Kuali Financial System Upgrade - 12.10.14

FY2015, 2016 & 2017 HR/Payroll Implementation into Core-CT - 12.10.14

Annual Report of the Endowed Chair Program Entitled "Aetna English Chair in Writing" - 9.24.14

Master Agreement & Statement of Work between UConn Foundation & UConn for FY15 - 6.25.14

University Charts - 6.25.14

FY10-14 Metrics 6.25.14

Annual Report of the Endowed Chair Program Entitled "Aetna English Chair in Writing" - 9.25.13

FY09-13 Metrics - 6.26.13

University Charts - 6.26.13

Annual Report of the Endowed Chair Program Entitled "Aetna English Chair in Writing" - 9.27.12

University Charts - 6.28.12

FY08-12 Metrics - 6.28.12

UConn Kuali Project Update - 1.25.12

Annual Report of the Endowed Chair Program Entitled "Aetna English Chair in Writing" - 9.28.11

Revenue Comparison - 9.28.11

Foundation - 6.23.11

Revenue Comparison - 6.23.11

FY07-11 Metrics - 6.23.11

Annual Report of the Endowed Chair Program Entitled "Aetna English Chair in Writing" - 9.21.10

Foundation - 6.10.10

Revenue Comparison - 6.10.10

FY06-10 Metrics - 6.10.10

Annual Report of the Endowed Chair Program Entitled "Aetna English Chair in Writing" - 11.5.09

Foundation - 11.5.09

Revenue Comparison - 11.5.09

University Charts - 11.5.09

FY05-09 Metrics - 11.5.09

Annual Report of the Endowed Chair Program Entitled "Aetna English Chair in Writing" - 9.23.08

Revenue Comparison - 6.24.08

Foundation - 6.24.08

FY04-08 Metrics - 6.24.08

Revenue Comparison - 8.1.07

Foundation - 8.1.07

FY02-07 Metrics - 8.1.07

University Charts - 11.14.06

Revenue Comparison - 6.20.06

Foundation - 6.20.06

FY01-06 Metrics - 6.20.06

Academic Plan Update - 11.17.04

Academic Affairs Committee: Academic Plan - 11.9.04

Metrics & the Academic Plan - 9.8.04

Academic Affairs Committee: Academic Plan - 7.23.04

Division of Athletics and Recreational Services - 1.14.03